Power Package Options
High-Quality Nutrition Products are Joined Together with One-of-a-Kind Coaching for the Most Power Packed Packages that Allow You to Bloom to Your Best Every Step of Your Health Journey!
As Your Holistic Health Coach, One-on-One Coaching includes, but is Not Limited to:
– In-Person Pantry Clean-out, Grocery Shopping Guidance, Dietary Assessment
– Healthy Weight Plan, Disease Management Plan, Conscious Development Plan
– Balanced, Personalized Nutrition Plan that Allows for a Smooth Transition to
Cleaner, More Wholesome Eating (Non-GMO, Organic, Vegetarian, etc.) and Meal Choices
– Healthy Lifestyle Plan that Cleans Out and Keeps Out Chemicals from Your Body, Home, and Water
As Your Holistic Health Coach, One-on-One Coaching includes, but is Not Limited to:
– In-Person Pantry Clean-out, Grocery Shopping Guidance, Dietary Assessment
– Healthy Weight Plan, Disease Management Plan, Conscious Development Plan
– Balanced, Personalized Nutrition Plan that Allows for a Smooth Transition to
Cleaner, More Wholesome Eating (Non-GMO, Organic, Vegetarian, etc.) and Meal Choices
– Healthy Lifestyle Plan that Cleans Out and Keeps Out Chemicals from Your Body, Home, and Water
Quality Nutrition to
Clean Body Power Pack 1: Daily Nutrition Necessities
A. Choose 1 of 3 Nutrition Foundations:
Option 2: Vitalizer |
Option 1: Essentials PlanOption 3: Foundations Regimen |
A. Receive One-on-One Wellness Coaching:
One (1) FREE 30 min. In-Person, or Call/Skype Session
w/Purchase of 1 Hour Session
One (1) FREE 30 min. In-Person, or Call/Skype Session
w/Purchase of 1 Hour Session
Clean Body Power Pack 2: Vitalizing Health Plan
B. Choose 1 of 3 Nutritional Support Plans:
Option 2: Life PlanThe BEST Most Comprehensive Nutritional System
IN THE WORLD Feel amazing in 30 days Feel younger, longer for the rest of your life Increase Energy. Healthy Weight. Improve Immune Support. Lifestrip includes Vivix to:
Option 1: Vitalizing PlanOption 3: Turnaround PlanLose Weight. Eliminate Inflammation.
Each customizable Turnaround Kit includes: 1. Two healthy meals, Energizing Tea, and healthy snacks, in your choice of flavors PLUS Metabolic Boost* 2. Free personalized support and Shaklee 180 online tools 3. Access to the Shaklee 180 rewards Products are:

More About Shaklee 180 |
B. Receive One-on-One Wellness Coaching:
One (1) FREE Hour In-Person, or Call/Skype Session
w/Purchase of 1 Hour Session
One (1) FREE Hour In-Person, or Call/Skype Session
w/Purchase of 1 Hour Session
Shaklee 180 (1:00)
Shaklee 180: Ashley's Story (1:30)
The Science behind Shaklee 180 (1:28)
Shaklee 180: Dan & Janeen's Story (1:47)
Start Taking Natural, Small Steps for a Vibrantly Healthier YOU Today!
CLICK HERE for My Tried & True Daily Health Tips that
You Can Start Making TODAY to have More Energy, Look Leaner AND Build a Sustainable Foundation of Health
CLICK HERE for My Tried & True Daily Health Tips that
You Can Start Making TODAY to have More Energy, Look Leaner AND Build a Sustainable Foundation of Health